Tag Archives: selenium

Setup Selenium Webdriver Project in Visual Studio with C#

XYou can write your Selenium scripts in C#. It is one of mostly using programming language for Selenium tests. As an IDE, Visual Studio(VS) is the best environment for .net products. You can setup a Selenium running project from scratch by following steps: 1. Create a C# project in Visual Studio: Selenium First 2. Install… Read More »

Selenium Mobile Test Automation Script in Python with Appium

You can automate your Android testcases by Python language and use Appium. to do that, first start Appium server and run following code: # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import unittest from appium import webdriver class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):     @classmethod     def setUpClass(self):         desired_caps = {}         desired_caps[‘platformName’] = ‘Android’         desired_caps[‘platformVersion’] = ‘4.4.2’         desired_caps[‘deviceName’]… Read More »

Selenium – Expected Conditions functions in Python

in past, i posted for usage of Expected Conditions function. it that post, present the most frequently used function visibility_of_element_located(locator). Similarly, there are many function for expected conditions. These are: alert_is_present element_located_selection_state_to_be element_located_to_be_selected element_selection_state_to_be element_to_be_clickable – it is Displayed and Enabled. element_to_be_selected frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it invisibility_of_element_located presence_of_all_elements_located presence_of_element_located staleness_of text_to_be_present_in_element text_to_be_present_in_element_value title_contains title_is visibility_of visibility_of_element_located you can find detailed… Read More »

Selenium – Wait For Element – Python

In Test Automation progress, one og the most important point is check element existence status. Sometimes you need to wait for any element to be appear or disappear. Selenium has wait and Expected Conditions functions. following examples is a simple action that wait for a <div> element with ID of “ajaxReturnDiv”. # -*- coding: UTF-8… Read More »

Selenium Webdriver – Java with JUnit

you can find a basic simple Java class written in JUnit format for Selenium Webdriver. JUnit has some advantages such as Assertions etc. in this post, you see without Assertion. i will write a post how to use Assertion soon .   import org.junit.*; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; public class SimpleSeleniumJavaJunit { private WebDriver driver; @Before… Read More »

Selenium Webdriver – Python with Unittest

in a previous post, i present a Python script to run some basic selenium functions.By the following example, you can run your Python code unittest format. it completely has same result with that one. but, unittest framework has some advantages to use. in next post, i will publish some example, specially Assert functions provide a powerful way… Read More »