Selenium 3 – gecko driver with Python
hi, With Selenium version 3, one of major change is to run Firefox need gecko driver. At below video, you can see how to set up step by step for Python environment.
hi, With Selenium version 3, one of major change is to run Firefox need gecko driver. At below video, you can see how to set up step by step for Python environment.
Selenium Webdriver provide a way to run(call) Javascript code in your test. There is a Javascript execution function for each language. For Python, this function is execute_script(code). you can see a basic usage of this function at below. After run it, you can see alert pop up with. also, you can see that appeared pop… Read More »
in past, i posted for usage of Expected Conditions function. it that post, present the most frequently used function visibility_of_element_located(locator). Similarly, there are many function for expected conditions. These are: alert_is_present element_located_selection_state_to_be element_located_to_be_selected element_selection_state_to_be element_to_be_clickable – it is Displayed and Enabled. element_to_be_selected frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it invisibility_of_element_located presence_of_all_elements_located presence_of_element_located staleness_of text_to_be_present_in_element text_to_be_present_in_element_value title_contains title_is visibility_of visibility_of_element_located you can find detailed… Read More »
in a previous post, i shared a basic script to use Python Unittest. At that post, there is not any Assertion(verification). Now, let’s see power of Assertions. after we prepare our test and its steps, we will need at some point to check results. in following example, get header title and compare it if it correct… Read More »
In Test Automation progress, one og the most important point is check element existence status. Sometimes you need to wait for any element to be appear or disappear. Selenium has wait and Expected Conditions functions. following examples is a simple action that wait for a <div> element with ID of “ajaxReturnDiv”. # -*- coding: UTF-8… Read More »
in a previous post, i present a Python script to run some basic selenium functions.By the following example, you can run your Python code unittest format. it completely has same result with that one. but, unittest framework has some advantages to use. in next post, i will publish some example, specially Assert functions provide a powerful way… Read More »
Hi people, today, i would like present an basic script example of Python for Selenium Webdriver. first line is a general Python code to use any printable string in utf-8 (# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-) next line is import selenium webdriver module (from selenium import webdriver) create a Firefox driver and assigned it to a… Read More »
As you know, one of strong side of Selenium Webdriver is to support several known programming languages. You can write you script in Java, Python, C# and etc. You can find languages that supported and their client at this link (Selenium Client & WebDriver Language Bindings section). Today, i’d like to show how can you set… Read More »