Category Archives: Selenium Webdriver With Python Unittest

Selenium Webdriver – Run Javascript in Python

Selenium Webdriver provide a way to run(call) Javascript code in your test. There is a Javascript execution function for each language. For Python, this function is execute_script(code). you can see a basic usage of this function at below. After run it, you can see alert pop up with. also, you can see that appeared pop… Read More »

Selenium – Multiple Test in Python Class

A Python Unittest Class consist of 3 basic functions. def setUp(self): => it is first function running before test cases. generally, define Class-wide objects/variables such as drvier, timeout settings etc.. def test_xxx(self): => it is test case function that to be running. test case functions in unittest shoud start with “test_” def tearDown(self): => it is running… Read More »

Selenium – Assertion with Python Unittest

in a previous post, i shared a basic script to use Python Unittest. At that post, there is not any Assertion(verification). Now, let’s see power of Assertions. after we prepare our test and its steps, we will need at some point to check results. in following example, get header title and compare it if it correct… Read More »

Selenium Webdriver – Python with Unittest

in a previous post, i present a Python script to run some basic selenium functions.By the following example, you can run your Python code unittest format. it completely has same result with that one. but, unittest framework has some advantages to use. in next post, i will publish some example, specially Assert functions provide a powerful way… Read More »